As many of you know the Europeans like them some football, as do I, but not the same kind! I enjoy what they would call "American Football" as their definition of football is soccer! On Jan. 7th one of the most watched games in the US took place at 7:00 pm central time and about 2:00 am (on the 8th) Paris time....the BCS College Football Championship where the Texas Longhorns were matched up against the Alabama Roll Tide! Not too many places were showing this game but I had gotten a few suggestions from the guys at Fat Tire Bike Tours as to where they would be watching since most of them were Texans. They named a couple places called The Moose and The Great Canadian which are both in the Saint Michel area which is nowhere near me. I somehow convinced my Scottish friend Steve to tag along with me since the place was a bit far away. We decided to go a bit earlier so we could at least take the metro there (the last ones usually shut down around 12:30 or 1:00 am). First we went to The Great Canadian and it was a bit dead, then we decided to mosey over to The Highlander which was actually a Scottish bar and Steve knew one of the bartenders....i.e. we were getting discounted drinks which is always a plus in my book AND they were showing the game so all things were good! Here are a few pics from the evening. I tried my hardest to wear something that was similar to "burnt orange."

I found another Texas fan!!! That was pretty exciting. I don't remember the guy's name but he said he spent 1 semester at UT before finishing up his degree back in France. Towards the end of the game the Highlander decided to go ahead and shut down. I suppose they didn't have very many people watching the game and the barstaff was ready to get the hell outta there, which I don't blame them. Steve and I ended up going back to The Great Canadian to finish out the game where UT had a devestating loss with a final score of 21 to 37. All in all it was a fun time and I think the game ended around 6am!
Back it up a bit....earlier that day I received an exciting knock at the door. Who better than the postman delivering a rather large package addressed to ME! My best friend Andrea sent me a little care package with some of the essentials!
She sent me a jar of Joe T. Garcia's hot sauce, which just so happens to be my favorite Mexican food restaurant EVER, a bottle of Cholula, some Twix minis, a cute Eiffel Tower jewelery holder, and most importantly a stick of deodorant! Every deodorant here is all roll on, gross! No one likes wet armpits, haha! Basically she did a stellar job on the care package, of course the hot sauce is already gone but I am using the Cholula quite sparingly!
Girl, they have Cholula at the "Walmart" here. I can get some extra for you to take back when you come visit Aberdeen. Excited to meet you!