Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Catacombs!

People, this is a MUST if you visit Paris!  I thought it was one of the neatest things I have done so far.  It's a bit eerie and creepy but it's definitely worth checking out.  And it's pretty inexpensive as well and no crazy wait line to go through!  I was originally supposed to go through the Catacombs with Lauren when she was here visiting me but on our way there we were on the metro and a girl overheard us talking.  She explained that during the winter the Catacombs close down because it's so cold outside and the Catacombs are so far underground that it's too cold for visitors.  So we got off at the next stop a bit dissapointed.  Well after some further investigation on my part I decided to look up the website a couple of weeks ago and nowhere on the site did it mention that is closed down during the winter.  So I decided to trek back over to the area and actually the day I went it was snowing outside...those catacombs never felt so warm! 

So the story behind the Catacombs:  There was a cemetary back in the 18th Century called "The Cemetary of the Innocent."  This cemetary had been used for nearly 10 centuries and had become the origin of disease and infection for all those that lived in the district near the cemetary.  After numerous complaints, it was decided that the bones from the deceased were to be evacuated and moved underground to The Catacombs.  The Catacombs are the final resting place of some 6 million Parisians.
Above is a long narrow passageway when you first enter the Catacombs

Lots of Limestone was used to build the undergournd cemetary.

There were several of these little places where sculptures were carved out.

Finally after winding my way through the long dark hallways I get to the main ossuary.  Skulls and Femer bones.

A little hard to tell but the skulls were in the shape of a heart. They were arranged that way on purpose, of course.

I look a little unsure and frightened in this one. Blame it on the bones!

Just a massive amount of bones, from the floor all the way to the ceiling.

Well after the pictures, hopefully you can decide if the Catacombs would be something up your alley or not.  If you're looking for something "off the beaten path" and interesting to tell to others, then I would highly reccommend this visit! R.I.P

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