Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frenchie Flat Party & Versailles

Although Versailles should be in a post all on it's own, how can you leave a good ol' fashioned flat party out of the mix?  I've met some very nice native Frenchie's through my roommate and also from hanging out at the Cafe Ziem that is right by my apartment.  I could literally throw a rock at it, it's so close. Anywho, occasionally i will pop into the cafe for a brewski or a coffee and get to chatting with the few people who speak English.  One evening, one of the regulars at the cafe decided to throw a flat party and I was invited to join.  Never one to pass up an opportunity to party, I agree.  Plus I wanted to see what exactly this party entailed.  She lived in a small 2 bedroom flat, smaller than mine for sure, not that mine is small but that is besides the point.  She had her bedroom basically cleared out, lights off, and a colored strobe light flashing and music blaring from speakers that she had hooked up through her computer and was jamming some itunes.  Her room also served as the dance floor.  Then in her son's room (no the kid wasn't there) she had food and drink set up.  I gathered it was her son's room from the bunk beds and dinosaur paraphernalia lurking around the room.  Lots of good finger foods which included guacamole and tortilla chips, sausages, candy, different cheeses and loads and loads of champagne.  I of course hovered around the food area, as per usual.  I did make it on the dance floor for a few songs though!  Here are some pics.

The girl with me is my roommate, Magali.

Now onwards to Versailles!  I tried going to Versailles back with my friend Lauren was here visiting me and that just turned into a FAIL.  Simply for the fact that we went on a Monday and the palace is CLOSED on Monday's!  So I made the trek back out to Versailles on a nice sunny day.  It takes about an hour to get out there, maybe a little less, on the RER train.  I first walked in and bought my ticket and made my way over to the area where you get your cheesy headphone set so you can hear a little history on all the rooms and what not.  Here's a pic of me with my headset on, haha.
So the very first room you are show in the chapel area with it's ornate ceilings and ginormo organ pipes. The palace is just so very beautiful.
It's also crossed my mind a time or two as to how everyone stayed warm in a large palace such as Versailles. I mean these were the days of no electricity or central heating!  Well folks wonder no more!  Check out the size of this fireplace! It's like a small bonfire inside your house.

Now this is sleeping in style my friends, check out this bed. Every room is very lavish.

And of course the famous hall of mirrors (and chandeliers)
Now it's on to the gardens, probably what the palace is most well known for.  Since they are massive and span a large area I decided to take a little tram throughout the gardens rather than walking although I'm sure I could have used the exercise.  I asked the driver to snap a quick pic of me.
We weaved in and out of the gardens and i got some really gorgeous pictures.  I wish I could tell you more history on the palace and the story of Marie Antoinette, but I'm no historian.  You'll just have to go and visit one day!

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