Monday, March 29, 2010

Kilt Kountry Part 2...Aberdeen, SCOTLAND!

So after a wild Friday night us girls were a tidge hungover the next day but we managed to peel ourselves from the confines our our comfy beds, or in my case, the sofa and head to the train station.  We caught the train down to the next little town south of Aberdeen called Stonehaven where there was an awesome 15 and 16th century castle called Dunnottar Castle.  The best part was that it was situated on a cliff overlooking the North Sea!  We climbed up an endless amount of steps to get to that puppy but it was well worth it!

Before we actually made the trek over to the castle we of coursed hiked around a bit and took various picturesque photos, the pictures do it no justice!

After walking around the castle for awhile and going in and out of the different rooms we had worked up a bit of an appetite.  Thanks to our fabulous tour guide, Terri, she knew of a great little fish and chip shop right on the coast in town.  We grabbed a taxi and headed to Bay's Chippery.  We all got some haddock and chips and sat on a bench that overlooked the ocean.  The ambiance was simply amazing besides a few pesky seagulls that were eyeing our fries!

After lunch we played around and walked along the rocks and posed for various cheesy pictures.  Finally we made it back into the city center and caught the train back to Aberdeen.  Here's a pic of the train station in Aberdeen, its quite nice and they have recently opened up a shopping center connecting to the train station.  Of course we had to take a stroll through the H&M and do a little girly shopping.  I tried on a couple things but nothing I was too excited about.

After doing a little window shopping we made it back to Terri's and relaxed.  We ordered in a pizza for dinner and it was delicious. And the best part was that they delivered and we didn't have to leave the flat.  After we were rested up from the day's activities we started to get ready to go out for a few drinks.  Once again we let Terri be our tour guide and we headed to our first pub called "The Globe."  We just had 1 drink in there because it was extremely crowded and they had a live band that was way too noisy.  Poor Terri had nearly lost her voice from the previous night from yelling over loud music so we didn't stay long.

After this it was over to the "Monkey House."  Here we were able to snag a seat and listen to some dance music.  We would have stayed here longer but the bar was closing around midnight and we needed a new venue.  This bar was pretty fancy though, it looked very upscale on the inside but the clientele would suggest otherwise, ourselves included, haha!

After Monkey House closed down, we decided to meet up with my friend Steve (from Paris) who is originally from Scotland and who recently moved back.  It was his birthday on Saturday night so I figured we would grab a drink to celebrate.  We ended up at some dance club/warehouse called....well you guessed it, Warehouse!  It was super packed but again we were lucky enough to snag a seat so we could all socialize.  I was unlucky, however, as a girl with a large ass decided to post up next to me and stick her j-lo booty in my face, damn near knocking me out of my chair!
You cannot capture the fullness of that thing from the picture!  Andrew, Terri's co-worker, who was out with us the night before met up with us for a few cold ones.
And here is the birthday boy, errr girl (according to his pink pin)!
We finally decided to call it an "early" night around 3am as we had to catch the 3 hour train ride to Edinburgh the next morning.  And of course part three is to follow...

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