Wednesday, March 31, 2010

St. Patricks Day

I arrived back in Paris on the 17th, also more popularly referred to as St. Patrick's Day.  I was originally supposed to get back to Paris the day before but about 3 weeks prior, EasyJet decided to cancel my flight that day leaving me the option to fly back the next day.  I got home around 7pm, showered and got ready and met my friend Maggie at (where else) CORCORANS!  Good thing my favorite bar in town just so happens to be an Irish one.  I figured the place would be crowded but didn't realize it would be packed to the brim.  Everyone was sporting Guinness hats and drinking the dark brown milkshake lager.  Somehow Maggie and I managed to find a little nook with 2 bar stools that we could sit in comfortably and do some people watching.  Guinness not being my favorite beer, I opted for my 1664 blonde that I have come to love.  Corcoran's also had a live band playing some traditional Irish tunes and ever so often someone would walk by with a bucket to tip them with.  I contributed about 2 Euro's worth and called it great.

Later on Maggie's friend Cyiril showed up with a couple of his friends and they joined us in our nook.  It's there we decided to play paparazzi picture time and snap a bunch of photos.  If you're wondering where my "green" is, it's my hat dammit, and yes it counts!

That's my french moustache with a couple of Guinness stickers that some girls were handing out.  Despite the above pictures I kept it pretty tame that night since I needed to get some things done the next day before my mom arrived for our EuroTrip 2010!!!

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